Ten Days to Demo

App demos.
10 days.
No code!

So you can de-risk your idea and verify demand as quickly as possible...before building product!

I need a quick prototype

Founders like you need to de-risk your idea and verify demand as quickly as possible... before building product.

Sure, you could skip straight to building your app idea.
It's a huge risk, though.

  • You'll lose your mind when you realize you never actually proved there's market demand for your seemingly genius idea
  • You'll waste thousands paying a software development firm to build an app that looks nothing like what you pictured
  • You'll spend months away from your family learning how to make an iPhone app

Hey, I'm Robert, Founder of Ten Days to Demo

We help founders prove a market need and design the right product for that market in as little as 10 days.
Founders come away with an interactive demo that you will use to fundraise, bootstrap, or sell your proven idea.

How it works

We can work together for 10, 20 or 30 days

By Day 10


Hold your idea in your hands with a demo-able, interactive prototype, like this one!

Show me an example

By Day 20

+ $1,000

Gain proof from tons of user interviews whether there's a market demand for your idea!

Show me an example

By Day 30

+ $500

We could iterate on your prototype, build your idea, or design your sales pitch!

Show me an example

Avoid building the wrong thing.

"...if there is one thing for certain it's that each subsequent generation of technology makes it easier to build bad solutions fast."

- Steve Jones, CTO of Capgemini

These delivered prototypes helped Founders avoid failure.

Why risk paying thousands to build the wrong product?

Instead, prove your idea and come away with an interactive demo of your market-ready product!

These other services can help you, too...

...but you still risk pursuing the wrong idea.

"Robert's prototypes helped me...

"Where Robert shined was in helping me break inertia. He was able to quickly create something which immediately helped me define what I wanted (and what I didn't want). The value in that was absolutely fantastic."

- Jeff Brumhall, Founder

I hope you'll share your idea.

Let me help you disrupt the market!
Let's talk!